Monday, July 11, 2011

Is electrical and electronic engineering at Uni exciting and for me?

I am considering studying electrical engineering at uni but I'm not sure if its the subject for me. I love Maths and am good at it as well as Physics but sometimes when solving physics problems which are difficult and require thinking I cant do them because I'm sometimes narrow minded and am afraid to think and engineering is about problem solving (not saying I'm poor at problem solving) and one of my best skills is my memory which enables me to learn loads of facts, which is suited for a medicine degree. Also if I take electrical engineering will I enjoy it???? If anyone does electronic engineering at university can they tell me if it is an interesting subject?? I took GCSE electronics but found it difficult (i did manage to get an A) but when the teacher taught some of the theory I found it a bit difficult to grasp, at university will I be able to grasp the concepts well and apply them to making circuits and PCb's independently?? Also I heard that in the field of engineering electrical enigneering has the best job and financial prospects.

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