Monday, July 11, 2011

Does my dream mean anything?

feeling the most horrible thing a teenager girl can feel PREGNANT,scarred but a birth could mean learning or experiencing something new ,big secret and not being able to tell manny people.have you been going threw a lot of emotion school a learning point in your life, water is a sign of that was it murky or clear? if the water was murky it means things emotion wise you have not been using a wise head. Clear water is things will clear up ,stairs going down to ground level getting to basics feet on the ground.110% sure of something you will know it's like saying I'm 110% sure I have an A on a test type thing. Tampons and condoms could mean your ready for everything, but feeling embarrassed of being prepared, keep a dream journal a great book to analyze your dreams is "the complete book of dreams by Julia and derek parker'.

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